Set 17 years after the events of the previous game, the main story follows Patroklos' quest for the Soul Swords through Renaissance Europe.
The game's 30-character roster includes Siegfried, Ivy, Yoshimitsu, and other Soul Calibur legends, as well as new characters, such as Patroklos and Pyrrha, the son and daughter of Sophitia. The Character Creation mode allows players to choose height, facial expressions, colors, voices, weapons, and special effects, as well as fighting style.In the series' tradition of guest stars, Assassin's Creed II's Ezio is available for play. The game also adds a sidestep move, accessed with a quick double tap. The game's "Just Guard" defensive move requires less accuracy, but rewards perfectly timed blocks with a nearly instantaneous opportunity to counter attack. Soul Calibur V sticks to the series' signature "8-Way Run" style of 3D fighting, bringing subtle refinements to control mechanics and a drastic expansion of customization options.